Hi everyone.
So I know I said in the last blog that this one was going to be full of gossip from the big Oklahoma fancy dress halloween party that happened last night well......I didn't go. I have felt a bit coldy this week so thought I would come home and rest instead. Then Joe, from the cast decided he wasn't going either so we had a chinese and watched a bit of TV cos we're sharing a flat this week. Which for me- as a self confessed old man was a lovely night. Apparently the party was not very successful anyway - not many people ended up going for various reasons, not may people in fancy dress, the venue wasn't very good and the music was too loud and badly mixed by the DJ - So yes I'm very glad I had a night in instead.
Edinburgh is such an incredible city. Wish we were here for two weeks. There's a group of us going on a late night ghost tour tonight which should be fun.
As you know I'm a bit of a gym freak, so I'm also thrilled that this week there is the most amazing Virgin Active gym and pool here - loving it.
This weekend is going to be very busy (now there's a surprise) I'm getting the first train back to London on Sunday morning which gets me into Euston at about 1.30pm. Then I'm heading home to touch base before meeting me wonderful friend Haley who I played opposite in The Rocky Horror Show as she's having birthday celebrations on Sunday afternoon then I have lots of boring mortgage and tax stuff to sort out Sunday evening before packing for Bradford (which is where we are next week- locals GET YOUR TICKETS) as I'm getting a lift up there with Haley after I have a meeting in London on Monday afternoon.
Rocky Horror Show is in Leeds next week and we are in Bradford which are 20 minutes away from each other on the train - SOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing good friends on Monday and probably whenever I can get over there during the week. I miss my Rocky Horror peeps a lot.
Don't think there is really anything else to report so I am going to head into Edinburgh city to make the most of being here. It's been great only having 7 shows this week as it gives us more time to enjoy the city.
People from home - this will be the only musical of this nature I will ever perform at the Rhyl Pavilion so get your tickets booked if you fancy seeing it.
I can't wait to be living at home with my family for a week.
Also I know this might be a bit annoying for some but - I am VERY excited for Christmas this year. I have a whole 10 days off to be with my family. It's the first time I haven't been working during the Christmas week in 8 years!!!
Marcaroni is such a great job and I've barely even started it yet!!! Ha
Hope you're all well and happy.
Keep smiling 'cause life is good - especially if you live in Edinburgh haha