Hi everyone.
So I know I said in the last blog that this one was going to be full of gossip from the big Oklahoma fancy dress halloween party that happened last night well......I didn't go. I have felt a bit coldy this week so thought I would come home and rest instead. Then Joe, from the cast decided he wasn't going either so we had a chinese and watched a bit of TV cos we're sharing a flat this week. Which for me- as a self confessed old man was a lovely night. Apparently the party was not very successful anyway - not many people ended up going for various reasons, not may people in fancy dress, the venue wasn't very good and the music was too loud and badly mixed by the DJ - So yes I'm very glad I had a night in instead.
Edinburgh is such an incredible city. Wish we were here for two weeks. There's a group of us going on a late night ghost tour tonight which should be fun.
As you know I'm a bit of a gym freak, so I'm also thrilled that this week there is the most amazing Virgin Active gym and pool here - loving it.
This weekend is going to be very busy (now there's a surprise) I'm getting the first train back to London on Sunday morning which gets me into Euston at about 1.30pm. Then I'm heading home to touch base before meeting me wonderful friend Haley who I played opposite in The Rocky Horror Show as she's having birthday celebrations on Sunday afternoon then I have lots of boring mortgage and tax stuff to sort out Sunday evening before packing for Bradford (which is where we are next week- locals GET YOUR TICKETS) as I'm getting a lift up there with Haley after I have a meeting in London on Monday afternoon.
Rocky Horror Show is in Leeds next week and we are in Bradford which are 20 minutes away from each other on the train - SOOOOOOOOOOOO looking forward to seeing good friends on Monday and probably whenever I can get over there during the week. I miss my Rocky Horror peeps a lot.
Don't think there is really anything else to report so I am going to head into Edinburgh city to make the most of being here. It's been great only having 7 shows this week as it gives us more time to enjoy the city.
People from home - this will be the only musical of this nature I will ever perform at the Rhyl Pavilion so get your tickets booked if you fancy seeing it.
I can't wait to be living at home with my family for a week.
Also I know this might be a bit annoying for some but - I am VERY excited for Christmas this year. I have a whole 10 days off to be with my family. It's the first time I haven't been working during the Christmas week in 8 years!!!
Marcaroni is such a great job and I've barely even started it yet!!! Ha
Hope you're all well and happy.
Keep smiling 'cause life is good - especially if you live in Edinburgh haha

To find out more about Mark and his career visit his official website at http://www.markevansonline.co.uk/
Friday, 29 October 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Blog number 13!!! - Edinburgh!!!
Hi ya'll,
Hope you're well.
I'm sat in my wonderful apartment in Edinburgh. I LOVE THIS CITY!!!!!!
So the last time I blogged was Thursday and it was the day of the party for Beth at our lovely digs in Wolverhampton. I had a meeting the next day in London so wanted to be in bed by midnight - I managed it, but between feeling sick from eating my body weight in party food and the ridiculous shouting coming from certain drunken cast members who were sat eating wotsits in the massive jaccuzzi for hours, I might as well have stayed up all night and partied with them cause I didn't really sleep.
Friday went well though, had a meeting and bumped into a good few friends randomly in London so it was all good.
Saturday matinee was our 200th performance of Oklahoma so including saturday night and the two previews at the beginning of our run we will tonight be performing our 204th performance.
We only have 37 shows left. 5 weeks. Wowzers!!!!
After the show on Saturday night I was picked up by a driver and taken to a wonderful hotel in Cardiff. I was on the 12th floor on the corner of the building so it was more or less surrounded by windows with an amazing view of the capital.
I was in Cardiff for a concert at the CIA which is a great venue. It was to celebrate and showcase any Welsh performers who have been successful in reality TV so I was sharing the stage with Rhydian, Shaheen Jafargoli, Only Men Aloud, Ysgol Glanaethwy, Tara Bethan, Sophie Evans, Jukebox Juniors, Eclipse, and with the Mark Jermin stage school and the Debbie Chapman dancers.
It was a great night. Really enjoyed it. It's going to be broadcast on S4C between Christmas and New Year.
It was really weird as it brought back lots of memories. Before each performer entered they showed a montage on a huge screen showing what they did on the show and their success afterwards and it was a real trip down memory lane seeing shots of me on the BBC programme and shots of Andrew Lloyd Webber and I walking with my Mum and Dad around our family home in North Wales - good times.
So I've had a good weekend and flew to Edinburgh direct form Cardiff yesterday afternoon and spent time with my friends Aimee and Carys from school. Aimee and I went for dinner to a restaurant called the Outsider which was wonderful. Really great food.
So I am now getting ready to go to work for our first show this evening.
Any locals, come say hello if you're seeing the show.
I will probably Blog next on Friday as we have a fancy dress Halloween party as a company on Thursday night so I shall tell all gossip from that when I can.
Hope you're all well and happy.
Love your lives and keep in touch - love hearing from you all.
Happy Tuesday
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Blog Number 12!!!!!
Morning everyone!
How are you all?
I am good thanks for asking! It's Thursday morning and I'm in my wonderful digs in Wolverhampton. There are 7 of us from the cast staying here and it's amazing. It's on 4 floors, all the rooms are huge and mine has an en-suite. Amazing kitchen, really cool lounge in the basement, and.......a massive Jacuzzi in the main bathroom. Any actors reading this who work in Wolverhampton in future, you should really stay here, it's very reasonably priced too - check them out online, it's called 'theatre house'. There's a website and facebook page! So having a very comfortable week here.
It's Beth's (Gertie in the show) birthday today so we're having a company gathering (big party) here tonight. I have to get an early night though as I have to head to London tomorrow for a meeting - dull!
Audiences here in Wolves have been great. We had a very welcoming reception at the front of house bar of the theatre on Tuesday. The 'friends of the theatre' had put on a buffet and we had drinks and everyone was very complimentary about the show.
So the last time I blogged was on Sunday, so here's what happened Monday. I had a meeting to get to at 10.15am but because I was stuck at Bermondsey on the Jubilee Line underground train for 45 mins I didn't arrive until 10.25 - wasn't happy. But that was all fine. Then I had a meeting with Helen who runs my website and who set up the blog for me and my facebook page (to whom I'm very grateful as I'm thick as two planks with technology!) and we were discussing the plans for the new website which is under construction at the moment - very exciting.
Basically the website I have now was constructed so quickly (in a week) as soon as I found out I was in the final 6 acts to perform live on Saturday nights with the BBC program (Eurovision-Your Country Needs You in January 2009, for those who don't know about it) I wanted something online so that if people 'googled' me they would have a bit more information about me etc etc. So it was all about padding it all out to make me sound a bit more interesting back then haha.
Nowadays, there is so much going on in my life and career that Helen and I think it's too cluttered and a re-design will make it a bit nicer to look at and a bit less 'busy' and little clearer where anyone can find the information they want.
Then on Monday afternoon I had another meeting in central London before heading back to my flat to chill for the evening and my friend Daniel came over for dinner and a chill out as I've not seen him for ages. He randomly brought over two trout for us to eat which was very tasty but hadn't been filleted. We were laughing actually, saying that we should remember if ever we take anyone on a first date to a restaurant, don't order trout because it's the most unattractive thing to be chatting then having to pull a tiny bone out of your mouth that's covered in mushy fish. HAHAHA. - I'm talking about food again!!!
Hold on a second..........
Sorry, I had to just nip to the loo then. Ha. I basically drink so much water because of all the singing I have to do that I spend most of my time needing a wee and just putting it off hahaha. So I have decided from now on -Unless I'm on stage, if I need a wee, just go - cos life's too short to be uncomfortable. Ha. Told you I just write what's in my head didn't I.
I am doing a concert this Sunday in Cardiff at the CIA. It looks set to be a great night. It's basically a night that features lots of the Welsh people who have been successful off the back of reality TV. Which looking at the line up - there have been lots. Rhydian (or rather 'Ry-dee-an' said in that guys voice off the X factor) Only Men Alound choir, Cor Glanaethwy, (both 'Last Choir Srtanding' BBC) A couple of dance troups from Britain's Got Talent' Tara Bethan (I'd Do Anything) and a few more too as well as me. I reckon it'll be good. It's being broadcast on S4C (the Welsh Channel 4 which is available on digital outside of Wales too) for those of you who can't make it to the CIA!
Right I'm off to have my second breakfast of the day, before heading to work for two shows.
Any people who have been to see the show this week, thanks for being great audience members.
Don't forget all you Scots, we're in Edinburgh from Tuesday next week so I look forward to seeing you all in the audience - book your tickets!!!
Also, folks from North Wales, this will probably be the only time in my Career that I do a touring show of this type playing a role like this which is being performed in Rhyl so if you want to see it, buy tour tickets as it's selling well. From November 9th-13th. See you there.
Love your lives folks cos it's blooming great.
Speak soon
ps no longer going to proof read these things cos they get longer each time so I apologise if they're a mess. Ha
How are you all?
I am good thanks for asking! It's Thursday morning and I'm in my wonderful digs in Wolverhampton. There are 7 of us from the cast staying here and it's amazing. It's on 4 floors, all the rooms are huge and mine has an en-suite. Amazing kitchen, really cool lounge in the basement, and.......a massive Jacuzzi in the main bathroom. Any actors reading this who work in Wolverhampton in future, you should really stay here, it's very reasonably priced too - check them out online, it's called 'theatre house'. There's a website and facebook page! So having a very comfortable week here.
It's Beth's (Gertie in the show) birthday today so we're having a company gathering (big party) here tonight. I have to get an early night though as I have to head to London tomorrow for a meeting - dull!
Audiences here in Wolves have been great. We had a very welcoming reception at the front of house bar of the theatre on Tuesday. The 'friends of the theatre' had put on a buffet and we had drinks and everyone was very complimentary about the show.
So the last time I blogged was on Sunday, so here's what happened Monday. I had a meeting to get to at 10.15am but because I was stuck at Bermondsey on the Jubilee Line underground train for 45 mins I didn't arrive until 10.25 - wasn't happy. But that was all fine. Then I had a meeting with Helen who runs my website and who set up the blog for me and my facebook page (to whom I'm very grateful as I'm thick as two planks with technology!) and we were discussing the plans for the new website which is under construction at the moment - very exciting.
Basically the website I have now was constructed so quickly (in a week) as soon as I found out I was in the final 6 acts to perform live on Saturday nights with the BBC program (Eurovision-Your Country Needs You in January 2009, for those who don't know about it) I wanted something online so that if people 'googled' me they would have a bit more information about me etc etc. So it was all about padding it all out to make me sound a bit more interesting back then haha.
Nowadays, there is so much going on in my life and career that Helen and I think it's too cluttered and a re-design will make it a bit nicer to look at and a bit less 'busy' and little clearer where anyone can find the information they want.
Then on Monday afternoon I had another meeting in central London before heading back to my flat to chill for the evening and my friend Daniel came over for dinner and a chill out as I've not seen him for ages. He randomly brought over two trout for us to eat which was very tasty but hadn't been filleted. We were laughing actually, saying that we should remember if ever we take anyone on a first date to a restaurant, don't order trout because it's the most unattractive thing to be chatting then having to pull a tiny bone out of your mouth that's covered in mushy fish. HAHAHA. - I'm talking about food again!!!
Hold on a second..........
Sorry, I had to just nip to the loo then. Ha. I basically drink so much water because of all the singing I have to do that I spend most of my time needing a wee and just putting it off hahaha. So I have decided from now on -Unless I'm on stage, if I need a wee, just go - cos life's too short to be uncomfortable. Ha. Told you I just write what's in my head didn't I.
I am doing a concert this Sunday in Cardiff at the CIA. It looks set to be a great night. It's basically a night that features lots of the Welsh people who have been successful off the back of reality TV. Which looking at the line up - there have been lots. Rhydian (or rather 'Ry-dee-an' said in that guys voice off the X factor) Only Men Alound choir, Cor Glanaethwy, (both 'Last Choir Srtanding' BBC) A couple of dance troups from Britain's Got Talent' Tara Bethan (I'd Do Anything) and a few more too as well as me. I reckon it'll be good. It's being broadcast on S4C (the Welsh Channel 4 which is available on digital outside of Wales too) for those of you who can't make it to the CIA!
Right I'm off to have my second breakfast of the day, before heading to work for two shows.
Any people who have been to see the show this week, thanks for being great audience members.
Don't forget all you Scots, we're in Edinburgh from Tuesday next week so I look forward to seeing you all in the audience - book your tickets!!!
Also, folks from North Wales, this will probably be the only time in my Career that I do a touring show of this type playing a role like this which is being performed in Rhyl so if you want to see it, buy tour tickets as it's selling well. From November 9th-13th. See you there.
Love your lives folks cos it's blooming great.
Speak soon
ps no longer going to proof read these things cos they get longer each time so I apologise if they're a mess. Ha
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Blog Number 11!!!
Hi everyone.
So here it is, the actual full sized blog that I have been trying to find time to write all week.
I am sat in my flat in London (thank goodness) so nice to be back here.
Heading to Wolverhampton on Tuesday until Saturday so get your tickets all you brummies in the midlands!
So here it is, the actual full sized blog that I have been trying to find time to write all week.
I am sat in my flat in London (thank goodness) so nice to be back here.
Heading to Wolverhampton on Tuesday until Saturday so get your tickets all you brummies in the midlands!
Manchester was a great week. Probably one of my favorite of the tour. Having had sunday night and monday at home with my family in Wales I was slightly refreshed from a manic few weeks. Opening night was great - lovely audience (and it remained that way all week-great), then myself and about 6 other people from the company had a big night out, and as I've written in the past, I don't go out and get drunk with the responsibility of playing Curly in Oklahoma! but I had the whole day set aside to recover if I needed it. But after drinking a large amount and dancing for approximately 3 hours solid (no break at all-seriously, I think I sweated out all the alcohol, i looked a state) and eating a not very meat looking meaty pizza at 3.30am, I managed to get up at 10.30 the next day, do some shopping, a good two hour workout and then met up with Joe and Ben from the cast for coffee and a wonder around town - the show was a delight that night. I have to admit though it did catch up with me on the Thurday though. We had two shows and my body was aching so much from dancing like a fool all night on the Tuesday. Ha
Good times though and definitely long over due.
So I had a call from my agent on Wednesday saying I have been asked to go in for a meeting for something new - by the way the one of the few things I will never talk about in my blog is what auditions/meetings I'm in for, it's just a boring topic of conversation and it's not exciting basically 'cause it's just something actors do to get jobs and we do SO MANY and most of the time you probably won't get it for so many reasons so it's just not really interesting, unless something funny happens that I feel you should know of course, like if I witness someone dancing so vigorously that her boob pops out (I say that because that has happened in a meeting I was in once- she popped it back in as and carried on without even blushing - now that's a pro)
Anyway reason I was telling you this is because my agent gave me the glorious news that I would have to choreograph a dance solo displaying two very distinct styles for myself to perform to the panel. My agent and I were laughing at the thought of me doing a 'Flashdance' style routine in a pair of hot pants and ankle warmers - fear not I am not wearing that.
So I hired a studio (Sunshine Studios on Newton St in Manchester is very reasonably priced if anyone ever needs a space to rehearse by the way) and Alex Grierson from the cast came to offer her opinion on what I was putting together and basically told me when things looked naff and suggested alternatives - Which is funny in itself because towards the end of the week in Manchester she was playing Aunt Eller in the show as Marti Webb was unfortunately unwell, so on friday she was Choreographer by day and old woman by night - that's versatility for you!!!
I chopped off a considerable amount of my hair toady. I was getting sick of it, it was too long to curl properly for the show (for those of you who have not seen Oklahoma!- because of the character name Curly I have my hair curled for EVERY SHOW!, which involves using dainty little lilac and pink curlers and popping them in my hair which takes Laura our wardrobe mistress 30 minutes beofre I'm actually due to be at work, then go to physical and vocal warm up with a hair net and headband on before taking them out 20 mins before curtain up - EVERY SHOW!) - so I had to chop some of it off 'cause it was a mess. The guy who cuts my hair is one of my closest friends Wayne Fitzsimmons who is known in the West End as 'Hair Dresser To The Stars' - he's a very talented West End performer who happened to train and work at Tony And Guy in Birmingham before he trained in musical theatre so he's everyone's friend in showbiz and we go back about 5 years now - top bloke. So that was nice to have a good old catch up over breakfast and a barnett recovery! Then I came back to my flat and knuckled down to learn some lyrics for a concert I have in Cardiff next Sunday. I am singing four sings and I have a busy week this week between the show and other things so need to make the most of any free time.
But now I am sat down ready to watch the X-Factor before having an early night.
Don't forget folks, these are our last six venues with the show - Wolverhampton, Edinburgh, Bradford, Rhyl, Londonderry, and Trieste in Italy.
This Saturday matinee in Wolves is our 200th performance so that's how many times you've missed the show if you've not made the effort so far, so get your tickets booked folks. 6 WEEKS LEFT!!!
Hope all is good with you all and you're all well and happy.
Please keep your messages and facebook comments coming in - it's great to hear from you always.
Happy Sunday
Love your lives
ps X-Factor has started so I ain't gonna read over this again so apologies if some of it doesn't make sense but as you know by now I just write what's in my head and hope you enjoy readin it.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Blog Number 10!!!
Hey guys.
Hope you're all well and happy.
I apologise for this short Blog and for not having written for a few days - Manchester and life in general has become pretty manic (as if it wasn't already). I basically have lots of songs to learn for different concerts, gigs and meetings, a dance routine to choreograph for myself which I have hired a studio to use in central Manchester tomorrow - I'd rather have some time to enjoy all that Manchester has to offer but hey it'll be nice to do some full on dance stuff again.
So I will blog on the weekend and fill you all in on any news etc.
The audiences in Manchester are fantastic. If you've been to see us this week- hope you've enjoyed it and thanks for the lovely reception!
Keep smiling folks and be grateful for all you have in life 'cause it's all good, no matter what is happening!!!
Talk to you on the weekend!
Hope you're all well and happy.
I apologise for this short Blog and for not having written for a few days - Manchester and life in general has become pretty manic (as if it wasn't already). I basically have lots of songs to learn for different concerts, gigs and meetings, a dance routine to choreograph for myself which I have hired a studio to use in central Manchester tomorrow - I'd rather have some time to enjoy all that Manchester has to offer but hey it'll be nice to do some full on dance stuff again.
So I will blog on the weekend and fill you all in on any news etc.
The audiences in Manchester are fantastic. If you've been to see us this week- hope you've enjoyed it and thanks for the lovely reception!
Keep smiling folks and be grateful for all you have in life 'cause it's all good, no matter what is happening!!!
Talk to you on the weekend!
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Hey Everyone.
So I’m sat on a Virgin train home to my family in North Wales and I don’t have any internet but I’m hoping that if I type this up on a ‘word‘ document I will then just cut and paste it onto my blog when I get some reception on my dongle – I know what you’re thinking, I’m a technological genius – well I’d have to agree. Haha. If I don’t get it posted before I reach my parents farm (or the ranch as all us kids call it) then I won’t have a hope in hell of getting any internet up there in the hills, which is the exact reason I go home – to see my amazing family and to be somewhere that is so isolated I don’t get phone or internet reception at all. Bliss. I really need that for a whole day tomorrow as I feel I haven’t stopped recently.
So the last time I blogged was when I was rushing out to see the new film release ‘Death And Life Of Charlie St Cloud’. I told you I’d give you the low down after I saw it and I have to say I loved it. Zac Efron is a BRILLIANT actor in my opinion and having watched High School Musical a couple of times (understatement) from researching it for when I was auditioning for the stage show I think he has transformed himself into an incredibly diverse actor and think he’s a very talented young man. The film is great. I would recommend it highly, and for that reason I’m not going to tell you anything that happens as I don’t want to ruin it.
Swansea audiences got busier on Friday and Saturday which was nice. Got a lift back to London last night with Ed who is our assistant MD (Musical Director) which took 3 ½ hours and managed to have a whole 9 hours in my flat, before I had to leave again. The 9 hours included 5 hours sleep before waking up sorting out dull mortgage paper work, doing lots of office work and general admin stuff for different things, washing clothes packing for Manchester and leaving again.
I am officially now a limited company!!! Myself and my summer school as well as any venture I decide to take on in the future will fall under the company name ‘Watch And Learn Entertainment Services Ltd’ – which if you take the first letter of each word and put them together it forms something that is very special to me – thanks to our Judd Fry, Mr Pete Galhagher for taking on that challenge of making a sentence out of the letters W.A.L.E.S!!!!
So then I met up with a good friend of mine this afternoon for lunch in central London before watching the matinee of Jersey Boys. I had seen it about 2 years ago but fancied seeing it again and had a couple of friends in it who I wanted to see. I enjoyed it even more than the last time. If you haven’t seen it and fancy seeing a West End show that is slick, well directed, a great production, incredible music and a superbly talented cast – then Jersey Boys is perfect. So refreshing to see a show where there wasn’t one thing that disappointed me – I’m sure a lot of actors will agree that from working in the industry and if you watch a lot of theatre and know how it all works then sometimes you notice certain things that let a production down slightly but Jersey Boys had none that that for me! Loved it!
I am so excited to get home. My Mum is collecting me from Rhyl station (By the way – Any North Welsh folk reading this, Oklahoma is in Rhyl from 9th-13th November –so GET YOUR TICKETS BOOKED!!!) This train just can’t go quick enough.
Tomorrow is devoted to dispatching all the DVD’s from my summer school ‘West End In Wales’ then chilling out with my family – especially my four nieces!
I received the final draft of the first six scripts for ‘Marcaroni’ the other day – only 46 more to come. I have got some serious memorising to do! It’s all gonna be great though.
We are in Manchester from Tuesday this week so anyone local, come see the show, although I think it’s sold really well so be quick to get your tickets. Looking forward to Manchester. Great city and all I’m gonna say is……….. EDINBURGH IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edinburgh is my favourite UK city outside of London and can’t wait to be there again for a week.
Anyway, I think I have written enough now haven’t I!!!!!!
By the way did you all see my post on the Facebook page – this morning at 10.10am? It stated that today was unique as at that time it was 10 minutes past the 10th hour of the 10th day of the 10th month in the year ’10!!!
Also, within this month there are 5 Fridays, 5 Saturday and 5 Sundays. That only ever happens once every 823 years apparently. I love facts like that – makes me appreciate being in this lifetime!
Thanks for reading everyone. I’ll blog again in Manchester – for now, picture me in the peace and quite of the Vale Of Clwyd in wonderful North Wales.
Love your lives folks, ‘cause we all know it doesn’t last long enough.
Friday, 8 October 2010
Blog Number 8!!!!
Hi Everyone,
So this is not going to be as long as number 7 as I'm gonna rush out in a minute to the cinema. I wanted to catch an early afternoon movie so that I have time before work to try and learn songs and lyrics for a concert I have at the CIA in Cardiff in two weeks time.
I have decided to try and see 'The Death And Life Of Charlie St Cloud'. Although it starts in 30 mins and the walk to town from my digs is 25mins and don't know where the cinema is exactly so wish me luck. I'm sure I'll blog later to inform you of weather or not I got to see it and if it was good or not, if I don't see it I shall enjoy what Swansea town has to offer - as of yet I've not been anywhere than the theatre.
I had a live radio interview last night between 11-12pm. I was really enjoying it, dancing around in my seat to the songs I chose (one of which was 'Forget You' by Cee Lo Green - Amazing song) and I was moving around so much I spilt a whole bottle of water all over myself and the floor and the chair I was sat on - Oops. It really is a good song and that was my excuse. Haha
The audiences here in Swansea have been pretty quiet which is a shame. I thought they'd have been very busy but never mind - Manchester next week which is apparently very busy all week. Can't wait for Manchester. I have decided that I am actually going to go out one night in Manchester and drink and allow myself to get a bit drunk if I feel like it. We only have 7 shows next week so it's a bit easier and we're coming to the end of the contract nearly and I am missing out on many social gatherings because I'm making sure I look after myself and my voice etc but next week I'm gonna have a bit of fun -
Wow I make my life sound so boring and disciplined don't I. It's not. I just know how to make my job a lot easier by being careful when it comes to alcohol and noisy bars!!!
Right I have to run - I'm sure there was plenty of other things I was going to write about but if I don't go now I havn't got a hope in hell of catching this film.
Love to all.
Love your lives!!!
So this is not going to be as long as number 7 as I'm gonna rush out in a minute to the cinema. I wanted to catch an early afternoon movie so that I have time before work to try and learn songs and lyrics for a concert I have at the CIA in Cardiff in two weeks time.
I have decided to try and see 'The Death And Life Of Charlie St Cloud'. Although it starts in 30 mins and the walk to town from my digs is 25mins and don't know where the cinema is exactly so wish me luck. I'm sure I'll blog later to inform you of weather or not I got to see it and if it was good or not, if I don't see it I shall enjoy what Swansea town has to offer - as of yet I've not been anywhere than the theatre.
I had a live radio interview last night between 11-12pm. I was really enjoying it, dancing around in my seat to the songs I chose (one of which was 'Forget You' by Cee Lo Green - Amazing song) and I was moving around so much I spilt a whole bottle of water all over myself and the floor and the chair I was sat on - Oops. It really is a good song and that was my excuse. Haha
The audiences here in Swansea have been pretty quiet which is a shame. I thought they'd have been very busy but never mind - Manchester next week which is apparently very busy all week. Can't wait for Manchester. I have decided that I am actually going to go out one night in Manchester and drink and allow myself to get a bit drunk if I feel like it. We only have 7 shows next week so it's a bit easier and we're coming to the end of the contract nearly and I am missing out on many social gatherings because I'm making sure I look after myself and my voice etc but next week I'm gonna have a bit of fun -
Wow I make my life sound so boring and disciplined don't I. It's not. I just know how to make my job a lot easier by being careful when it comes to alcohol and noisy bars!!!
Right I have to run - I'm sure there was plenty of other things I was going to write about but if I don't go now I havn't got a hope in hell of catching this film.
Love to all.
Love your lives!!!
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Morning everyone.
How are we?
All is good with me on this fine (yet slightly dull weathered) Tuesday morning.
Had a good 9 hours sleep last night. I was really tired. I finished recording at 6.15pm last night then Tony (remember Tony, my driver who I mentioned last week!) picked me up and brought me to Swansea which is where we open in Oklahoma! tonight. Any locals come to the Grand Theatre this week to see us. Every evening til Saturday 7.30pm and Wed, Thurs, Sat matinees at 2pm. That's the promotion bit done. haha.
So I had a good weekend. My last blog was Sunday morning after I had a lovely big breakfast in my nice hotel in Cowbridge. Then I had a long day 11am-9pm in the studio. It was good though as the entire Marcaroni cast got together for the first time to record and it was great to see who is doing what. I'm going to be working with such a cool group of laid back people, I seriously can't wait to have a real laugh this Christmas period. Who'd have thought that working on a new kids TV show could be so much fun!!! It'll be a lot of hard work though. I have someone coming to Swansea to give me the scripts for the first 26 episodes this week which I'll need to learn asap because in a couple of weeks I'll get the next 26 episodes. We're doing 52 all in all which means we're scheduled to film 2 episodes a day! So I think by February I'm gonna have smoke coming out of my ears and trying to focus on recording my album after that will be a task and a half!!!
Anyway, I got up Monday morning (yesterday) for my nice breakfast again and there was only one other couple in the restaurant as it was about 9am and they stopped serving at 9.30am. Now I admit the breakfast wasn't quite as nice as the morning before but - I have never heard such a moany miserable couple in my life. I'm ashamed to say they were talking Welsh (I like to consider Welsh people to be friendly and nice). She went over to the buffet and was winging at the 'pathetic selection of cereals' she then complained to the waitress that 'everyone had been dipping into the breakfast', I felt like saying 'well whadda ya expect you dumb a** it's a flamin buffet'. - She made the chef cook a fresh breakfast for her and her husband and didn't even say thanks and then on her way out, she walked past the pastry selection and said 'drycha ar y croissant's 'na'n blydi oer - ych a fi' which translates to 'look at those croissants, they're bloody cold, disgusting' - And I thought to myself, if that is the most important thing in your life to think about, then you need to go do a bungey jump or something because you are a boring old moany woman, get over it!!!
Rant over!
When I arrived my digs last night I dropped my stuff off, walked down a HUGE hill to Tesco to do a bit of a food shop for the week forgetting that of course I then had to walk back up the HUGE hill in the rain carrying my groceries!!! I didn't mind though as I'd been in the studio all day so it was nice to get some air. The landlady showed me a tin full of Welsh Cakes she'd made - I thought "Noooooo, I can't eat anymore Welsh Cakes' - On Sunday, Nia, the girl who is playing one of the fairies in Marcaroni brought in a box full of the most amazing Welsh Cakes ever, I think her Mum had made them. I warned her that this can't happen over Christmas cos I won't fit in my colorful, neoprene Marcaroni suit. Ha
People have been asking me about X-Factor and Strictly Come Dancing in radio and press interviews recently and to be honest I watch more of the X-factor than Strictly, but on Saturday night, I caught Anne Wydecombe's dance. She was BRILLIANT!!! In the entertaining sense and not in the actual dance ability sense of course. I look at someone like her and think, you're amazing, you are so open and honest and you don't care what people think of you and she was very very funny. I would like to be her dance partner. Wouldn't it be great if we could all look at life in the way that she looks at dancing 'It might not go right but I'll give it a go' Anne to win I say. HAHA.
With regards to the X-Factor, I really enjoy it but only because I have now accepted that what they are doing is creating an entertaining T.V show and that it's actually very little to do with finding the best talent providing there are a couple of good ones in the mix to make the final. A lot of people get annoyed by that but I just think, well I enjoy watching it and think it's superbly edited and it has no effect on me weather the winner is eventually Cher or Diva Fever or even Jedward so why not just embrace the good things about the programme and be happy. I agree that Gamu is talented but she has still had great exposure from the millions who watch ITV so I'm sure she'll do well even though she didn't make Cheryl Cole's top three. (Has she gone back to Tweedy now or is she keeping Cole? I dunno)
Right I'm gonna head into Swansea town in a little while to suss it out as it's been about 5 years since I was here last. I have a meeting with John Quirke tomorrow who is the wonderfully talented man who is going to be the MD (musical director) of my album. How exciting.
Keep sending in your messages and comments guys. Always good to hear from you.
Happy Tuesday to you whatever your doing and thanks for reading number 7!!!
Love your lives
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Blog number 6!!!! (loosing count)
Morning everyone!
It's Sunday october 3rd and I've just had a 3 course breakfast in my hotel where I'm at for two nights in Cowbridge (30 mins from Cardiff) as I'm continuing with the recording of the music for 'Marcaroni' today and tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
We finished in Bristol last night and this week at the end of each of the 7 shows I did a charity speech to the audience letting them know that four of our cast members (Michelle White, Stephen Whitson, Dan Mackinlay, and Ste clough) have decide to take on the Survival Of The Fittest 10k Challenge. Which is a 10km run and assault course. They're running to raise money for the 'Teenage Cancer Trust' which is an incredible charity. Through their hard work and through the generosity of the Bristol audiences they have raised about £5000. They are about to start the run at about 11am this morning in Cardiff and I wish them all the best of luck. Anyone who was in the audience this week in Bristol and who gave money - Thank you very much on behalf of the guys who are doing the run!
I went to the cinema again on Friday. Saw the film 'Buried' it's by the creators of 'Phonebooth' which funnily enough was on Channel 4 when I got to my hotel last night. One of the critics gave 'Buried' two stars out of 5 and I would agree with that. It was interesting but wouldn't recommend it. Basically, (as I assume non of you will rush to see it after I just said it's not very good - so I won't be ruining the story for you) it starts with a guy waking up in a coffin, he has a mobile phone, a flask of alcohol, a pencil, a lighter and I think that's about it. The annoying and disappointing thing is that you never see anything outside of that coffin. It is very clever to shoot a whole film (1hr 40min) completely in a coffin but it did get a bit monotonous. And there's no happy ending! Sorry if I ruined it but I'd say go see something else or save your money if you had contemplated seeing it at all.
I have proof checked the DVD from my summer school and it brought back memories of how excellent the students where back in August. North Wales has some seriously talented youngsters. DVD will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.
I have decided (whilst eating my breakie) that I will have to start my christmas shopping when I'm in Manchester week after next as I am stupidly busy until December 23rd from now on really so Manchester is the place with the best shopping between now and then.
I love Christmas and this year i get 10 DAYS OFF!!!!! I have only ever had xmas day itself off every year for the past 7 years so to have quality time with my family is going to be AMAZING!
The Coronation Street omnibus is on while I write this and although I can't watch it usually because of the show - I have to say that blonde girl is great. Don't know what her name is or what the character's name is even but she's the one who appears to be the biggest trouble maker known to man and she is really good I'd say. Great to see someone unfamiliar doing great screen work.
Right I had better get ready to go as I'm being collected in 10 mins to go the studio for about 7 hours of singing kids songs. Hurrah. It's such a laugh.
Hope you're all enjoying your weekends.
Keep smiling cos life is good!!!
Happy Sunday
It's Sunday october 3rd and I've just had a 3 course breakfast in my hotel where I'm at for two nights in Cowbridge (30 mins from Cardiff) as I'm continuing with the recording of the music for 'Marcaroni' today and tomorrow. Looking forward to it.
We finished in Bristol last night and this week at the end of each of the 7 shows I did a charity speech to the audience letting them know that four of our cast members (Michelle White, Stephen Whitson, Dan Mackinlay, and Ste clough) have decide to take on the Survival Of The Fittest 10k Challenge. Which is a 10km run and assault course. They're running to raise money for the 'Teenage Cancer Trust' which is an incredible charity. Through their hard work and through the generosity of the Bristol audiences they have raised about £5000. They are about to start the run at about 11am this morning in Cardiff and I wish them all the best of luck. Anyone who was in the audience this week in Bristol and who gave money - Thank you very much on behalf of the guys who are doing the run!
I went to the cinema again on Friday. Saw the film 'Buried' it's by the creators of 'Phonebooth' which funnily enough was on Channel 4 when I got to my hotel last night. One of the critics gave 'Buried' two stars out of 5 and I would agree with that. It was interesting but wouldn't recommend it. Basically, (as I assume non of you will rush to see it after I just said it's not very good - so I won't be ruining the story for you) it starts with a guy waking up in a coffin, he has a mobile phone, a flask of alcohol, a pencil, a lighter and I think that's about it. The annoying and disappointing thing is that you never see anything outside of that coffin. It is very clever to shoot a whole film (1hr 40min) completely in a coffin but it did get a bit monotonous. And there's no happy ending! Sorry if I ruined it but I'd say go see something else or save your money if you had contemplated seeing it at all.
I have proof checked the DVD from my summer school and it brought back memories of how excellent the students where back in August. North Wales has some seriously talented youngsters. DVD will be sent out in the next couple of weeks.
I have decided (whilst eating my breakie) that I will have to start my christmas shopping when I'm in Manchester week after next as I am stupidly busy until December 23rd from now on really so Manchester is the place with the best shopping between now and then.
I love Christmas and this year i get 10 DAYS OFF!!!!! I have only ever had xmas day itself off every year for the past 7 years so to have quality time with my family is going to be AMAZING!
The Coronation Street omnibus is on while I write this and although I can't watch it usually because of the show - I have to say that blonde girl is great. Don't know what her name is or what the character's name is even but she's the one who appears to be the biggest trouble maker known to man and she is really good I'd say. Great to see someone unfamiliar doing great screen work.
Right I had better get ready to go as I'm being collected in 10 mins to go the studio for about 7 hours of singing kids songs. Hurrah. It's such a laugh.
Hope you're all enjoying your weekends.
Keep smiling cos life is good!!!
Happy Sunday
Friday, 1 October 2010
Blog Number 5!!!
Hey everyone.
So I feel very proud of myself and a little like a computer genius. OK so all I've done is set up my new hard-drive and synced it with my mac but I am ru-hu-bbish with computers (I did have to call me computer wizz friend Nathan three times to ask what to do as well as follow the manual but I still did it).
I just had my second breakfast of the day. Basically - to ensure I have enough energy to get through Oklahoma 8 times a week, My daily meal plan is a bowl of porridge with a banana as soon as I wake up, then about an hour later I have a 'proper' which is usually something along the lines of what I had today which was scrambled eggs, tomatoes, ham and sunflower seeds, with a few beans on toast.
It's alot of food I know but I'm heading to the gym now and if I don't stock up I start to go green and feel sick.
You probably wonder why I talk about food so much on my blogs - it's because food is one of my biggest passions and interests and pleasures. Some of you may know this but not many - when I was a teenager I was considerably over-weight. It was my own fault as I literally ate 5 chocolate bars for breakfast EVERY DAY whilst waiting for the school bus. I was bullied for it at school and I find it funny now, but at the time it was quite traumatic - I was called 'Milk Mark' because I had man boobs. hahahahahahaha I am laughing out loud now at the fact that people called me that and that I have typed it into my blog for you all but I watched a video last night (which I've posted on the facebook fanpage) from the American programme 'Ellen'. It's a message from her about how homophobic bullying in schools has resulted in a number of gay teenagers committing suicide. This sort of behavior is unacceptable and bullying of every sort should not happen and should be stopped. Teenagers are so insecure growing up anyway and to have some selfish, nasty, spineless, cowardly bully make it worse for people is unforgivable.
I now look at the people who used to call me names and if I'm honest I think, I hope you're enjoying life because I certainly am - I have an amazing family and friends, I love what I do as a job and I am very very happy!!!
Whenever I teach at different schools and colleges the one thing I have zero tolerance for is bullying, so anyone who has ever been a bully - shame on you and I hope you feel bad for it!!!
Anyway - I had to just get all that off my chest.
We were told yesterday by the company manager of the show that although our schedule says we have 7 performances in Swansea next week, we actually have 8!!! My body was screaming NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Because as much as I love this show and will miss it when it's over, I very much look forward to having an 'easier' week and being in Wales I had made plans to get lots of things done and meet up with people which has all had to change now. So I kindly ask each and everyone of you who are reading this, no matter where you are in the world, please come and watch Oklahoma at the Grand Theatre in Swansea next thursday matinee just to get me through.
I had a very funny comment yesterday from someone saying "reading your blog is like being a nosey neighbor, I love it" - I have had many messages from people being very positive about it so I am happy you are all enjoying it. Keep messaging me cos I'm always happy to hear from you.
Right I'm having to go because I'm getting a lift into town to go to the gym and we're running late.
Love your lives and support anti bullying.
Happy Friday
So I feel very proud of myself and a little like a computer genius. OK so all I've done is set up my new hard-drive and synced it with my mac but I am ru-hu-bbish with computers (I did have to call me computer wizz friend Nathan three times to ask what to do as well as follow the manual but I still did it).
I just had my second breakfast of the day. Basically - to ensure I have enough energy to get through Oklahoma 8 times a week, My daily meal plan is a bowl of porridge with a banana as soon as I wake up, then about an hour later I have a 'proper' which is usually something along the lines of what I had today which was scrambled eggs, tomatoes, ham and sunflower seeds, with a few beans on toast.
It's alot of food I know but I'm heading to the gym now and if I don't stock up I start to go green and feel sick.
You probably wonder why I talk about food so much on my blogs - it's because food is one of my biggest passions and interests and pleasures. Some of you may know this but not many - when I was a teenager I was considerably over-weight. It was my own fault as I literally ate 5 chocolate bars for breakfast EVERY DAY whilst waiting for the school bus. I was bullied for it at school and I find it funny now, but at the time it was quite traumatic - I was called 'Milk Mark' because I had man boobs. hahahahahahaha I am laughing out loud now at the fact that people called me that and that I have typed it into my blog for you all but I watched a video last night (which I've posted on the facebook fanpage) from the American programme 'Ellen'. It's a message from her about how homophobic bullying in schools has resulted in a number of gay teenagers committing suicide. This sort of behavior is unacceptable and bullying of every sort should not happen and should be stopped. Teenagers are so insecure growing up anyway and to have some selfish, nasty, spineless, cowardly bully make it worse for people is unforgivable.
I now look at the people who used to call me names and if I'm honest I think, I hope you're enjoying life because I certainly am - I have an amazing family and friends, I love what I do as a job and I am very very happy!!!
Whenever I teach at different schools and colleges the one thing I have zero tolerance for is bullying, so anyone who has ever been a bully - shame on you and I hope you feel bad for it!!!
Anyway - I had to just get all that off my chest.
We were told yesterday by the company manager of the show that although our schedule says we have 7 performances in Swansea next week, we actually have 8!!! My body was screaming NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Because as much as I love this show and will miss it when it's over, I very much look forward to having an 'easier' week and being in Wales I had made plans to get lots of things done and meet up with people which has all had to change now. So I kindly ask each and everyone of you who are reading this, no matter where you are in the world, please come and watch Oklahoma at the Grand Theatre in Swansea next thursday matinee just to get me through.
I had a very funny comment yesterday from someone saying "reading your blog is like being a nosey neighbor, I love it" - I have had many messages from people being very positive about it so I am happy you are all enjoying it. Keep messaging me cos I'm always happy to hear from you.
Right I'm having to go because I'm getting a lift into town to go to the gym and we're running late.
Love your lives and support anti bullying.
Happy Friday
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