Hey everyone,
So I am sat here in my dressing room in the interval of this Wednesday evening show, and thought I'd write this now instead of tonight as I have more brain power now.
So Bristol is going well. Nice audiences. Great to be back at the Hippodrome theatre. Amazing venue.
I'm actually a bit disappointed that I'm forking out £100 for accommodation this week as I could quite happily live in my dressing room for the week. It has three separate rooms - A bathroom, a dressing room and a lounge with a big sofa, wide screen TV, fridge! It's very nice - If only every venue had facilities like this eh?!
Someone in the audience just started heckling something out just before I fire the gun on stage in the smokehouse scene and as soon as I fired it they stopped, so it sounded like I shot them - I felt like checking to make sure they were just cap bullets and not real ones. Made it more effective though haha.
So in between shows today (brace yourselves I'm gonna talk about food again!) Ben Palmer who plays Sam in the ensemble brought me a slice of this cheesecake he's been bragging about for the past week. It's a lime cheesecake with a gingernut biscuit base and he said it was sublime - and I have to admit, it really was. He even made those leaves out of chocolate and put frosted grapes on it and everything - I've summoned him to keep me a slice of the next one he makes. mmm!!!!
I was suppose to go back to London tomorrow to have a meeting with my mortgage advisor to discuss boring adult stuff but we were able to discuss everything over the phone today which means - tomorrow I HAVE A DAY OFF!!!!!!!!
Hurrah!!!! So I'll be hitting te gym and trying to make some decisions on which of the 700 shots I should pic for my website.
And on that note I've just had my ACT2 beginners call.
Talk soon ya'll
Love your lives

To find out more about Mark and his career visit his official website at http://www.markevansonline.co.uk/
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Blog Numero 3!!!
Hi ya'll. Hope you're good.
Well......I have had a great weekend!!!!!
Finished in Cheltenham on Saturday evening with Oklahoma! (we were all a bit loopy and delirious) and then got a lift back to London. Was lovely to get home to my flat. Then on Sunday I had arranged to go see my good friend Nathan who played Dr Scott in Rocky Horror, and who is a fab photographer and we did a photo shoot for a my new look website which is under construction at the moment. We had a real laugh being silly doing peculiar shots in random locations in East London. Really happy with the results though (Photo-shopping can make anyone look good) - I'll post some soon on the facebook fanpage so you get an idea of what the revamped website will look like.
Then I had a good friend of mine come to visit last night which was nice.
Hideous thing of the whole weekend was waking up at 6am this morning to get a car to Paddington to head over to Cardiff to do a costume fitting for 'Marcaroni' (the kids TV programme I'm filming in Dec/Jan) then over to the recording studio to record the first 8 songs for the CD and for the first 8 episodes. It's going to be a great show and kids are gonna love it. It's been so lovely working on something new and completely different - This winter is gonna be fun!!! Caryl Parry Jones (who's co-written the whole thing) is a legend!
Then I was driven to Bristol (my driver's name is Tony - I'm sure he'll be mentioned a few times in my blog as there are some hideous long journeys in the not too distant future)as we open here tomorrow at the Hippodrome with Oklahoma! and I'm in a lovely hotel. Just had a very tasty dinner in the restaurant. My bath is waiting for me and I'm gonna get an early night so I can make the most of the spa facilities in the morning.
Anyone who is local to this area come see the show - we're here until Saturday then open in Swansea next Tuesday (Come on you Welshies, come see the show- A dewch i ddeud helo hefyd os 'da chi'n dod i weld y sioe)
I received my first healthy recipe - Beef and Pepper stir fry. Thanks Gwyn. I'm looking forward to trying it and shall let you al know how I get on. Anyone else who has any healthy recipes you want to challenge me to cook and taste whilst I'm on tour send them to me.
Looking forward to being back at the Hippodrome theatre this week. Let's hope it's a good one. 9 weeks left of curlers and cowboy gear everyone (I won't miss the pink and lilac hair rollers) - Oklahoma! ends in Trieste in Italy at the end of November - If you want to catch us before we finish we play Bristol, Swansea, Manchester, Wolverhampton, Edinburgh, Bradford, Rhyl, Londonderry and Trieste.
If you come see it - come say hello at the stage door.
Stay happy and thanks for reading number 3.
Love your lives
Well......I have had a great weekend!!!!!
Finished in Cheltenham on Saturday evening with Oklahoma! (we were all a bit loopy and delirious) and then got a lift back to London. Was lovely to get home to my flat. Then on Sunday I had arranged to go see my good friend Nathan who played Dr Scott in Rocky Horror, and who is a fab photographer and we did a photo shoot for a my new look website which is under construction at the moment. We had a real laugh being silly doing peculiar shots in random locations in East London. Really happy with the results though (Photo-shopping can make anyone look good) - I'll post some soon on the facebook fanpage so you get an idea of what the revamped website will look like.
Then I had a good friend of mine come to visit last night which was nice.
Hideous thing of the whole weekend was waking up at 6am this morning to get a car to Paddington to head over to Cardiff to do a costume fitting for 'Marcaroni' (the kids TV programme I'm filming in Dec/Jan) then over to the recording studio to record the first 8 songs for the CD and for the first 8 episodes. It's going to be a great show and kids are gonna love it. It's been so lovely working on something new and completely different - This winter is gonna be fun!!! Caryl Parry Jones (who's co-written the whole thing) is a legend!
Then I was driven to Bristol (my driver's name is Tony - I'm sure he'll be mentioned a few times in my blog as there are some hideous long journeys in the not too distant future)as we open here tomorrow at the Hippodrome with Oklahoma! and I'm in a lovely hotel. Just had a very tasty dinner in the restaurant. My bath is waiting for me and I'm gonna get an early night so I can make the most of the spa facilities in the morning.
Anyone who is local to this area come see the show - we're here until Saturday then open in Swansea next Tuesday (Come on you Welshies, come see the show- A dewch i ddeud helo hefyd os 'da chi'n dod i weld y sioe)
I received my first healthy recipe - Beef and Pepper stir fry. Thanks Gwyn. I'm looking forward to trying it and shall let you al know how I get on. Anyone else who has any healthy recipes you want to challenge me to cook and taste whilst I'm on tour send them to me.
Looking forward to being back at the Hippodrome theatre this week. Let's hope it's a good one. 9 weeks left of curlers and cowboy gear everyone (I won't miss the pink and lilac hair rollers) - Oklahoma! ends in Trieste in Italy at the end of November - If you want to catch us before we finish we play Bristol, Swansea, Manchester, Wolverhampton, Edinburgh, Bradford, Rhyl, Londonderry and Trieste.
If you come see it - come say hello at the stage door.
Stay happy and thanks for reading number 3.
Love your lives
Friday, 24 September 2010
Blog No2!!!
Blog number two folks.
Hope you're all well.
So I watched another film today. 'Eat Pray Love' starring Julia Roberts. I'd been told by a friend to read the book a few months ago and when I picked it up at Waterstones I admit I was a bit unsure as the quote on the bottom of the book cover said "One woman's guide to everything" and although, yes the book is a little on the 'girly' side I actually enjoyed it and it kind of got me interested in Buddhism which I am very intrigued by and am reading lots about at the moment.
As for the film it was very good and Julia Roberts was fantastic as always but I don't think films are ever as good as the imagery you create in your own imagination when you read the book. I'd recommend it though.
So Oklahoma news - The audiences where a little on the polite and quiet side at the beginning of the week but they've been very responsive for the past couple of days. It's turned out to be a very good week here in Cheltenham. I'm aching a bit and feel my body has aged a decade after working hard at the gym for three days this week though - the dream ballet has been a bit more of a nightmare ballet as far as my thighs are concerned!!!
Marti (Aunt Eller) was ill yesterday and was unable to perform and we missed her - Alexandra Grierson is a fantastic understudy for the role and did really well. Pete (Judd) and I did find it hard not to laugh when she was a bit aggressive in the scene in the smoke house when she's telling us off for firing our guns and she hit him quite hard on his back and I've never seen such a big guy jump quite like that in my life - it was very funny and we both found it difficult to look at each other for the end of the scene!!!
I am heading back to London tomorrow night (Saturday) after the show as I have a photo shoot with a friend Nathan Amzi on Sunday to get some new publicity shots.
Monday is the first day I start working on 'MARCARONI'. It's a Welsh kids TV show I start filming immediately after Oklahoma for 5 weeks in Cardiff. I play the title role who is a quirky composer who lives behind a clock face and creates a new kids song in every episode. It's part of my bid to promote youth theatre in Wales and encourage youngsters to sing and perform. So I am in the studio in Cardiff on Monday to start recording the first selection of the 52 songs I'll be recording in total. Lots of work but I'm looking forward to doing something completely different.
We're in Bristol with Oklahoma from Tuesday this week until Saturday - so if you're local, come see it!!!
Still no healthy food recipes been sent for myself and Joe to cook and post pictures of so if you have any - please send them to me on the facebook page.
Thanks for reading number two- any comments or topics you'd like me to discuss, send them in!
Keep smiling
Love your lives!!!
Hope you're all well.
So I watched another film today. 'Eat Pray Love' starring Julia Roberts. I'd been told by a friend to read the book a few months ago and when I picked it up at Waterstones I admit I was a bit unsure as the quote on the bottom of the book cover said "One woman's guide to everything" and although, yes the book is a little on the 'girly' side I actually enjoyed it and it kind of got me interested in Buddhism which I am very intrigued by and am reading lots about at the moment.
As for the film it was very good and Julia Roberts was fantastic as always but I don't think films are ever as good as the imagery you create in your own imagination when you read the book. I'd recommend it though.
So Oklahoma news - The audiences where a little on the polite and quiet side at the beginning of the week but they've been very responsive for the past couple of days. It's turned out to be a very good week here in Cheltenham. I'm aching a bit and feel my body has aged a decade after working hard at the gym for three days this week though - the dream ballet has been a bit more of a nightmare ballet as far as my thighs are concerned!!!
Marti (Aunt Eller) was ill yesterday and was unable to perform and we missed her - Alexandra Grierson is a fantastic understudy for the role and did really well. Pete (Judd) and I did find it hard not to laugh when she was a bit aggressive in the scene in the smoke house when she's telling us off for firing our guns and she hit him quite hard on his back and I've never seen such a big guy jump quite like that in my life - it was very funny and we both found it difficult to look at each other for the end of the scene!!!
I am heading back to London tomorrow night (Saturday) after the show as I have a photo shoot with a friend Nathan Amzi on Sunday to get some new publicity shots.
Monday is the first day I start working on 'MARCARONI'. It's a Welsh kids TV show I start filming immediately after Oklahoma for 5 weeks in Cardiff. I play the title role who is a quirky composer who lives behind a clock face and creates a new kids song in every episode. It's part of my bid to promote youth theatre in Wales and encourage youngsters to sing and perform. So I am in the studio in Cardiff on Monday to start recording the first selection of the 52 songs I'll be recording in total. Lots of work but I'm looking forward to doing something completely different.
We're in Bristol with Oklahoma from Tuesday this week until Saturday - so if you're local, come see it!!!
Still no healthy food recipes been sent for myself and Joe to cook and post pictures of so if you have any - please send them to me on the facebook page.
Thanks for reading number two- any comments or topics you'd like me to discuss, send them in!
Keep smiling
Love your lives!!!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
My First Blog!
Hi Everyone.
So I have decided to create a blog for those who are interested in reading about what I'm up to and any news I have to tell. Also any funny stories of what's going on in the land of the Oklahoma! national tour and beyond.
I am overwhelmed by the messages I receive on my Facebook fanpage, Twitter and to my website not to mention the mail that some of you send to various theatres - so I thought this was the best way for me to keep in touch with you all and give you any goss on me and my life!!!
So I'm sat in my lovely little cottage in Cheltenham as I write this - I'm staying with Gemma who plays Laurey and Joe who plays Will this week. Incase you're wondering, we find our own accommodation during this tour which a lot of people consider to be a bit of a chore (you have to call the theatre and ask for a digs list then look through it and call to ask if anyone has any vacancies and most of the time the digs list is so old that people usually say "I stopped being a landlady 10 years ago") but at least then you can hopefully find nice places which can feel like home from home - which is very important when you're on the road! - this week we lucked out. I like this place a lot, and Cheltenham is a lovely town.
It's really strange that I'd decided that this was the day I'd start my blog because coincidentally the three of us have just watched the film Julie&Julia, with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It's all about online blogging - Julie (Amy Adams) sets herself a challenge to cook 542 recipes from Julia's (Meryl Streep) cook book in 365 days. I don't intend on taking that challenge myself but I think it means I'm obviously meant to start my own general blog today! By the way it's worth watching the film for Meryl Streep alone - the woman is a genius. It's based on two true stories!!!
For those of you who don't know, I'm a bit of a health freak. I enjoy the gym (although don't get much time with Oklahoma because of all our mid-week matinees) and love food - healthy food especially. I obviously crave 'rubbish' too - that's what my mum calls things like chocolate, biscuits, crisps, cake etc (but of course, she still eats it all herself, ha) - but I try to lay off it as much as poss. I like a challenge.
If anyone has any nice original recipes they want to send me please do - Joe and I are very often sharing digs on this tour and both try to eat healthily, so we can challenge each other with the recipes you send and let you know how we get on cooking them.
I'm surprised my first blog has been kind of all about food but if you watch Julie&Julia and see what they cook in it, you'll be as hungry as I am right now.
You'll notice in my writing style that I literally just type what's on my mind so a lot of the time it will just be utter randomness but then at least you know it's the real me!!!
So anyway, I'll wrap this one up with a request that, if you can - come see Oklahoma! - If you've seen it already come again, and come say hi at the stage door. It's great to have supportive fans and I really appreciate you investing your time and brain space in me and following my career.
I'm aiming to blog every couple of days or whenever I have something interesting to say so get in touch if you want to comment.
Be happy and love life!
So I have decided to create a blog for those who are interested in reading about what I'm up to and any news I have to tell. Also any funny stories of what's going on in the land of the Oklahoma! national tour and beyond.
I am overwhelmed by the messages I receive on my Facebook fanpage, Twitter and to my website not to mention the mail that some of you send to various theatres - so I thought this was the best way for me to keep in touch with you all and give you any goss on me and my life!!!
So I'm sat in my lovely little cottage in Cheltenham as I write this - I'm staying with Gemma who plays Laurey and Joe who plays Will this week. Incase you're wondering, we find our own accommodation during this tour which a lot of people consider to be a bit of a chore (you have to call the theatre and ask for a digs list then look through it and call to ask if anyone has any vacancies and most of the time the digs list is so old that people usually say "I stopped being a landlady 10 years ago") but at least then you can hopefully find nice places which can feel like home from home - which is very important when you're on the road! - this week we lucked out. I like this place a lot, and Cheltenham is a lovely town.
It's really strange that I'd decided that this was the day I'd start my blog because coincidentally the three of us have just watched the film Julie&Julia, with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. It's all about online blogging - Julie (Amy Adams) sets herself a challenge to cook 542 recipes from Julia's (Meryl Streep) cook book in 365 days. I don't intend on taking that challenge myself but I think it means I'm obviously meant to start my own general blog today! By the way it's worth watching the film for Meryl Streep alone - the woman is a genius. It's based on two true stories!!!
For those of you who don't know, I'm a bit of a health freak. I enjoy the gym (although don't get much time with Oklahoma because of all our mid-week matinees) and love food - healthy food especially. I obviously crave 'rubbish' too - that's what my mum calls things like chocolate, biscuits, crisps, cake etc (but of course, she still eats it all herself, ha) - but I try to lay off it as much as poss. I like a challenge.
If anyone has any nice original recipes they want to send me please do - Joe and I are very often sharing digs on this tour and both try to eat healthily, so we can challenge each other with the recipes you send and let you know how we get on cooking them.
I'm surprised my first blog has been kind of all about food but if you watch Julie&Julia and see what they cook in it, you'll be as hungry as I am right now.
You'll notice in my writing style that I literally just type what's on my mind so a lot of the time it will just be utter randomness but then at least you know it's the real me!!!
So anyway, I'll wrap this one up with a request that, if you can - come see Oklahoma! - If you've seen it already come again, and come say hi at the stage door. It's great to have supportive fans and I really appreciate you investing your time and brain space in me and following my career.
I'm aiming to blog every couple of days or whenever I have something interesting to say so get in touch if you want to comment.
Be happy and love life!
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